Vlasnik Olimpijakosa pobijedio koronavirus: Nemojte biti nemarni i sebični

Poslije dvije sedmice, ponovo je uradio test i bio je negativan

Evangelos Marinakis. Agencije

J. A. / Avaz Sport


Evangelos Marinakis, vlasnik Olimpijakosa i Notingem Foresta, tvrdi da se potpuno oporavio od koronaviursa.  Marinakis je 10. marta bio pozitivan na testu, samo četiri dana nakon što je prisustvovao utakmici u Notingemu. 

Poslije dvije sedmice, ponovo sam uradio test i bio je negativan. Moram se zahvaliti ljekarima u Grčkoj koji su brinuli o meni. Oni su heroji. Hvala i mojom prijateljima na ljubavi i hiljadama poruka podrške. Iskoristio bih priliku da vam kažem da treba da ostanete kod kuće, da čuvate sebe i svoju porodicu. Na taj način ćemo spriječiti virus da ugrozi naše živote, zaštitit ćemo zajednicu. Nemojte biti nemarni i sebični. Budite disciplinovani, pratite preporuke -  navodi se u njegovom saopćenju.  

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

After two weeks in full compliance with my doctors’ instructions, I underwent my second medical test, as suggested by the relevant protocol, which turned out negative. I stayed at home, I communicated with many of my friends and relatives, I read a lot, I watched TV for many hours, I listened to music and spent numerous hours surfing on the web; all these helped me realise what is going on in the rest of the world and see once again how fragile our planet is. I need to extend my thanks to the Greek National Health system doctors for their care and advice: those heroes dressed in green and white coats who cater 24/7 for their fellow people; all my friends, each and every one of them, for their endless love, thousands of messages (or even verses) and unselfish support. I also feel the obligation, in these critical times, to address a message inspired by experiencing this brief adventure of mine. It is worth staying at home to protect ourselves and our relatives. By staying at home, we shield ourselves and deny the virus intruding in our lives. By staying at home, we defend our community, the many, public health and contain the virus spread. So there is no room for being careless or selfish. It is required to stay disciplined and fully in line with the Government and scientists. All this brought again to my mind the words of the great Greek author Nikos Kazantzakis who once said: “No stone, steel or iron can endure; man can”. Let us be disciplined and rest assure we shall endure. We shall be stronger both individually and as a country once this is over. It’s solely up to us to remain healthy. May we all stay well, healthy and strong. #Marinakis #Statement #Greece

Objavu dijeli Evangelos Marinakis (@evangelos.marinakis)

Marinakis je na čelu Olimpijakosa od 2010. godine, a 2017. godine je postao većinski vlasnik engleskog drugoligaša. 

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