Princ Hari i Megan Markl ne prate više nikoga na Instagramu

U avgustu trebamo vašu pomoć, napisao je bračni par

Princ Hari i Megan Markl pokrenuli humanitarnu kampanju. Arhiv

E. Š. /


Princ Hari (Harry) i Megan Markl (Meghan Markle) od jutros na Instagramu više nikoga ne prate, a razlog je nevjerovatan. Bračni par započinje, naime, još jednu humanitarnu kampanju.

- U avgustu trebamo vašu pomoć. Želimo znati koja je vaša snaga za promjenu. Molimo vas da tokom sljedećih nekoliko dana u komentare dodate svoje prijedloge osoba kojima se divite, organizacija koje se bave stvarima o kojima trebamo znati više, profila koji vas inspiriraju i donose optimizam za svjetliju budućnost. Odabrat ćemo petnaest profila i početi ih pratiti idućeg ponedjeljka - napisali su Hari i Megan na svom profilu na Instagramu.

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For the month of August we look to you for help. We want to know who YOUR Force for Change is.... Each month, we change the accounts we follow to highlight various causes, people or organisations doing amazing things for their communities and the world at large. Over the next few days please add your suggestions into the comments section: someone you look up to, the organisation doing amazing work that we should all be following, an account that inspires you to be and do better (or that simply makes you feel good), or the handle that brims with optimism for a brighter tomorrow. We will choose 15 accounts and follow them next Monday, as we spend the month of August acknowledging the Forces for Change in all of our lives.

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

Podsjetimo, Megan i Hari napravili su profil na Instagramu u aprilu i tada su postavili novi rekord. Za samo pet sati i 45 minuta dostigli su brojku od milion pratilaca.

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ISSN 1840-3522.
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